Word | Meaning | Arabic |
(2:57:1) waẓallalnā | And We shaded | وَظَلَّلْنَا |
(2:210:8) ẓulalin | (the) shadows | ظُلَلٍ |
(4:57:19) ẓillan | (in the) shade | ظِلًّا |
(4:57:20) ẓalīlan | thick | ظَلِيلًا |
(7:160:26) waẓallalnā | And We shaded | وَظَلَّلْنَا |
(7:171:6) ẓullatun | a canopy | ظُلَّةٌ |
(13:15:9) waẓilāluhum | and (so do) their shadows | وَظِلَالُهُمْ |
(13:35:12) waẓilluhā | and its shade | وَظِلُّهَا |
(15:14:7) faẓallū | and they were to continue | فَظَلُّوا |
(16:48:10) ẓilāluhu | their shadows | ظِلَالُهُ |
(16:58:5) ẓalla | turns | ظَلَّ |
(16:81:6) ẓilālan | shades | ظِلَالًا |
(20:97:20) ẓalta | you have remained | ظَلْتَ |
(25:45:7) l-ẓila | the shadow | الظِّلَّ |
(26:4:8) faẓallat | so would bend | فَظَلَّتْ |
(26:71:4) fanaẓallu | so we will remain | فَنَظَلُّ |
(26:189:5) l-ẓulati | (of) the shadow | الظُّلَّةِ |
(28:24:6) l-ẓili | the shade | الظِّلِّ |
(30:51:6) laẓallū | certainly they continue | لَظَلُّوا |
(31:32:4) kal-ẓulali | like canopies | كَالظُّلَلِ |
(35:21:2) l-ẓilu | the shade | الظِّلُّ |
(36:56:4) ẓilālin | shades | ظِلَالٍ |
(39:16:4) ẓulalun | coverings | ظُلَلٌ |
(39:16:9) ẓulalun | coverings | ظُلَلٌ |
(42:33:5) fayaẓlalna | then they would remain | فَيَظْلَلْنَ |
(43:17:8) ẓalla | becomes | ظَلَّ |
(56:30:1) waẓillin | And shade | وَظِلٍّ |
(56:43:1) waẓillin | And a shade | وَظِلٍّ |
(56:65:5) faẓaltum | then you would remain | فَظَلْتُمْ |
(76:14:3) ẓilāluhā | (are) its shades | ظِلَالُهَا |
(77:30:3) ẓillin | a shadow | ظِلٍّ |
(77:31:2) ẓalīlin | cool shade | ظَلِيلٍ |
(77:41:4) ẓilālin | shades | ظِلَالٍ |